Monday 9 September 2013

Chobe Safari Lodge: A Slice of Heaven: Part I

My first impression of Chobe Safari Lodge, located in the heart of Murchison Falls National Park was like I had just stumbled into a day dream.  It felt like a desert mirage after all the travelling we had done. The perfection of the place is like nothing I had ever experienced. 

There is a healthy blend of stone-work and vanished wood that stays true to the natural aesthetics of its environs. The spectacular African art and sculptures had my eyes almost pop out of their sockets with amazement.  The service delivery was top-notch. I looked at a receptionist with wonder; I had no idea that a human smile could spread so wide.  I savoured my first slice of heaven; a truly 5-star experience. 

The General Manager, Kim Allen is an energetic, intriguing individual; she was everywhere all at once, managing, directing, organising everything like a conductor on an opera stage.  In the spirit of her perfectionism, the entire lodge runs like a well-oiled machine bustling with life and well-being. My prior experience with 5-star hotels had made me feel like I was in transit, with the hotel staff impatient to get rid of me for more clients; at Chobe, it was the opposite. I wanted to stay longer and enjoy the retreat with nature all around me. Perhaps it was my imagination but I thought I saw the receptionist pout when it was time to leave. 

 (End of Part I)


  1. Chobe has nailed it,i pray nothing changes in the next 20 years.

    1. I hope so too. My hat off to them for what they have done with the place
