The 30th November of the year
2008 was one of my worst days and I have had many of those this cursed year. The
dream and hope I’d been nursing for 4 years went down the drain.
Lingering Scar, the embodiment of all the
qualities intellectual, physical or otherwise I desire in a female finally put
a stop to my day dreaming.
She doesn’t want me.
Actually she still wants me though not the
way I want her; she doesn’t love me. And I worship the ground she walks on. How
How ironic can life get. Couldn’t I just
love her with this monstrosity of a love and couldn’t that be enough? My love supersedes
anything; any emotion I’ve ever had for a human being (over-exaggerated, I
know, but it can pass) Let that be enough.
What I am trying to say is, for me to give
up what I feel and have cultivated for almost half a decade is like asking me
to give up breathing; you’re asking mine to die. Not so soon. Maybe I’ll love
her for as long as I live, maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ll love again, maybe I won’t.
I don’t set about trying t find solutions to every problem and question in
life. This is just my first love.
I honed my gift in writing and poetry not so
I impress her or line her. She likes poetry and I like poetry. Let that be
enough. On the other hand, I wish not my poetry be something she liked and
something I wrote but something we shared, our thing.
Before the situation could sink in, I begged
and coaxed and threatened and pleaded. I claimed my undying love to no avail. I
swelled with rage and paced with anxiety, and deflated with defeat. And she acted calm as the sea through it all:
God! How I love her.
She doesn’t love me.
Maybe she does. Maybe she doesn’t maybe I’m
wrong and she isn’t what I make her out to be. Who cares! I relish the
ignorance. True love? Fallacy? Infatuation? Look at it your way. It won’t
modify what I feel in any way. Maybe I know that it’s over.
I am torn to think that someone else is
loving her. That someone else is ogling her with lust and I who stripped off
her surface and peeped into her inside, I am here. Alone, this minute wondering
why the hell we don’t always get what we want in life. She asked me this one
time, She asked me this:
“Why don’t we always get what we want in
life?” she wants me. I want her. The chemistry is right, the compatibility is
perfect; the genetics are suspect but what the hell. If every word I wrote was
to win her over, I’d write them all. Without her, I feel ruptured, incomplete; an
umbilical cord has been torn from me. My thoughts are scattered in a million
ways but yet all crowd together when I think about her.
I still get goose bumps like a plucked chicken
when I remember her ways: the way she calls my name, the way she guffaws when
she’s amused and slightly embarrassed by something I said; the way she writes
in that ugly, cute handwriting. The way she double-writes my name. ..I am lost
for words. She’s perfect to me. Perfect for me/
To imagine that I lose her at such a time
when I need her the most is most cruel. I could wait for her I know, but what
If I wait in vain? What if I put ideas in my mind that she’s The ONE and she
isn’t. Wouldn’t I miss hooking up with my one true love? What if Scar is the
ONE and I need only to try harder if we are to go places?
So many questions and very few answers in
this part-tribute, part-reflection, part-memory. I pray karma is kinder on me.